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Arthritis Services for Pets

With the right treatment and care, even arthritic pets can live comfortable and happy lives.

Arthritis in pets is a condition that affects the joints. It causes inflammation and pain. It is a common condition in dogs and cats, especially as they age, and can be caused by a variety of factors such as genetics, obesity, injury, as well as wear and tear on the joints over time. If you suspect that your pet may be suffering from arthritis, it is important to consult with your veterinarian – call us at 204-728-0033.

What are the first signs of arthritis in pets?

The first signs of arthritis may be subtle and difficult to detect, especially in the early stages of the disease. Here are some common signs to look for:

  • Stiffness: They may have difficulty getting up from a lying or sitting position, or may move more slowly and stiffly than usual.
  • Limping: Arthritic pets may limp or favour one of more limbs, particularly after periods of rest or exercise.
  • Reduced activity: Your pet may become less active, avoiding activities that they once enjoyed.
  • Changes in behaviour: They may become more irritable or grumpy, especially when touched or handled in a painful area.
  • Decreased appetite: In some cases, arthritic pets may eat less due to the pain they are experiencing.

If you notice any of these signs in your pet, please have them evaluated sooner rather than later.

Is arthritis very painful for my pet?

Unfortunately, arthritis can be very painful for pets, as it causes inflammation and damage to the joints. In some cases, the pain may be severe enough to significantly impact your pet's quality of life and overall well-being. Overtime, the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis can contribute to a decreased level of activity, which can further exacerbate the problem and lead to weight gain and other health issues.

What can I do for my pet with arthritis?

Although arthritis can't be cured, it can be well maintained to improve your pet's quality of life. Treatment options are always available to help manage the pain:

  • Medication
  • Weight management
  • Supplements
  • Physical therapy
  • Environmental modifications
  • Acupuncture
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