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Vaccines for Puppies & Dogs

A series of injections can protect your puppy and dog from fatal diseases.

You just got a puppy – now what? Vaccines help animals fight disease before it takes hold and keep pet populations as a whole safe from infection. To see exactly why vaccines are so important and how best to ensure your pet's safety, it's critical to understand how they work. Want to learn more about vaccinating today? Feel free to get in touch with us at 204-728-0033.

What is an appropriate vaccine schedule for my puppy?

Ideally, your puppy will get 3 sets of boosters. The series is given every 4 weeks, starting at approximately 8 weeks of age. The rabies vaccine will be given at the same time as the third DHPP booster. Following that, adult dogs will get revaccinated every 1-3 years, depending on the type of vaccine and your dog's lifestyle habits.

Will my dog be 100% immune after vaccination?

It depends. Some animals who receive vaccines develop total immunity. Others only develop partial immunity. However there are others that - if they don't receive booster injections regularly - may lose part or all of their previous immunity. That's why the concept of “herd immunity” is so important. When the entire population susceptible to a particular disease is vaccinated, the disease can't find a foothold. Therefore, even if an animal does not have 100% immunity, it wouldn't matter, because other animals couldn't get infected and pass it on.

Will my dog react to the vaccines?

There is always going to be a risk of an adverse or allergic reaction. However, vaccines today are produced to very high standards and are safer than ever. Most dogs generally do not develop any reactions. However, some may develop mild sneezing and cold-like symptoms, such as lethargy or mild discomfort. If your dog seems to be in excessive pain or is behaving oddly for a prolonged period, please contact your veterinarian right away!

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